19 Apr 2005

India Rising

Yes, India is no longer shining. It is on the rise. See this editorial from The Times of India by a McKinsey mind. It argues that it is time India came up with few great companies. OK, I'm sure India Inc is listening. But why open the article with this?
Everywhere, India is on the rise. Our economy is among the fastest-growing in the world, with foreign money pouring into the Indian stock market. We are bidding for a permanent Security Council seat as a full-blown nuclear power. India is an aid provider, not a recipient. Bollywood is charming the world and Indian novelists are capturing shelf space in every bookstore. Now the time has come for India to produce a few truly great companies.
So upbeat. So with the spirit of the new India. So like TOI itself.

One of the fastest-growing economies in the world - with the bulk of people still out of the loop. Foreign money pouring into the Indian stock market - making a fast buck and pouring promptly out. And the bid for a permanent Secuity Council seat. Without the vote, supported by precious few other countries.

Then we have Bollywood charming the world. Really? I know Japanese are keen on Rajnikant movies, and our close neighbours are keen on Bollywood movies, and Indian expatriates all round the world are keen on Hindi movies set in foreign locales. But the world? I don't think so. Not when all we have is a Lagaan to send to the Oscars. Or is he talking about the ice-maiden Rai? Tehelka questions if she is 'Indian Cinema's Biggest PR Trick' in its April 23 issue. The conclusion is a yes, unless the writer was hiding his real feelings.

Indian novelists are capturing shelf space in every bookstore. That's wise. He does not go overboard and say how much shelf space exactly or even enter that area at all.

Why is it necessary to hype things up even for a serious article like the above?

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