5 Jul 2005

One More Attack

As Hindustan Times notes here, this is the third such attack.

The BJP is planning a protest tomorrow. As one reader writes in there, a protest against what? The fact that the 'most important' garba griha has not been disturbed? That the attack was successfully, by all current accounts, repulsed? That the security in place worked inspite of everything? Why this grandstanding? Why this haste to stir up hornets' nests?

And the ageing former PM blames the Centre and State governments for the attacks. And Jaswant Singh is the chosen one - he gets to make the important call for resignations. Couldn't they have waited till the dust settled? And could this demand have some thing to be said in its favour after all?

To be fair to Advani, he did bring up Akshardham during the press conference. He did make another specious distinction between the two, that Ayodhya has a much more important place in the country's heart, etc. But at least he brought it up.

But who gets to tell the security people over there that they did a good job? They must be thinking they did something wrong after all. Maybe the people they killed weren't the terrorists. Maybe they had come to pray at the temple.

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